Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sbragia Family Vineyards: In love with La Promessa Zinfandel

It has become something of a habit for me to take pictures of things that I notice as simple but beautiful. I discovered that this way I'm paying more attention to the pleasure of the present time.

Since moving to Sonoma County  a year ago, I've become enchanted by wines from the region. Sbragia Winery is my latest discovery. I really enjoyed the wines and the stunning view from their patio. I was excited to taste the wines and La Promessa Zinfandel is my favorite forever!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Touch the future in Bodega Bay

On the first day of the year, a time when we remember the year that's past, make resolutions, plan for the year ahead, my husband and I want to be near the ocean. It's our way to touch the future: relax and listen, breath and see, smell the ocean and enjoy delicious seafood.
For the second time on the New Year's Day we drove out to Bodega Bay to visit our favorite places and take some pictures. It is a mystery to me, but Bodega Bay strangely became a center of my universe. This is the only place where the race of my life stops, and I don't care about what time it is. I can surrender completely to the beauty of the ocean and this little quite place, where the unsettling ghost of Hitchcock is still hunting...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Il Fornaio Corte Madera - All my dreams fulfill

If I am stuck in traffic jam on my way north from San Francisco, I take the Tamalpais Drive exit, go over the overpass and immediately turn into Corte Madera Town Center. Il Fornaio is my favorite "rescue"  place for a little snack or light early dinner.
Bruschetta Calda, Calamaretti Fritti, Minestrone di Verdure, and Ravioli with salmon are my favorites. The Happy Hour menu is fantastic!