Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lazy Summer Days in Healdsburg

I live in a casual, unpretentious,  and extra-tattooed world of Sonoma County, in which Healdsburg plays a special role. While its history combines tales of Pomo Indians, Gold Rush settlers, and not a very successful entrepreneur from Ohio Harmon Heald, the town brings back memories of my trips to Europe, especially Provence and Normandy.

June brought a sense of lazy excitement with its "Tuesdays in the Plaza" summer concerts and Farmer's Market on Saturdays.

It is just becoming summer, and it seems that all of Healdsburg is living outside.



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Francis Ford Coppola Winery in May

"There is a door to which I found key..." -  Omar Khayyam
Once again, Francis Ford Coppola Winery impressed me,  as being different, rather reserved, in a way elegant, even austere, and somewhat theatrical for the winery.

The air was thick and exotic with music, happy voices, drifting through the rooms sunlight and wine aromas.
For a delicious hour that passed too soon, I enjoyed life, my family, wine, food and the very presence of Godfather tremendously.