Friday, June 17, 2016

Caffe DeLucchi: Rapture of San Francisco

Sitting at my favorite table in my favorite Caffe DeLucchi in San Francisco, I felt rather guilty about living so close to the city. It is such a pleasure to visit this incredible place on the regular basis. San Francisco has burst out into full summer and made me feel suddenly so alive and so young that I could not stop smiling.

I looked through the windows on the Columbus Avenue, and lovely waiter brought in my wine and a few dishes I ordered from the Happy Hour menu (pizza, meatballs, potatoes), commented on the beautiful day outside, and all was very delicious and all was very seductive.

I reminded myself once again, that San Francisco was mine, and I discovered it for myself. Even though it happened 20 years ago... 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wine Country Pigs Extravaganza

Highway CA-128. It was a bright, warm afternoon, and the sun riding already in the west promised a clear, pleasant evening. I looked absently and dreamily at the rolling hills and vineyards, and suddenly I caught a glimpse of pigs. Suspicion came to me that these pigs existed there only as a phantom of my imagination. I stopped the car. The pigs were real.

There was something enormously powerful about the whole scene. There was this sunlight, there was this dust everywhere, there was plenty of food, and there was a big happy family of pigs.