Sunday, October 27, 2013

Meet me in Florence

It's a late September afternoon. I am sitting at a patio table with a glass of white wine and my journal at the Park Palace Hotel in Florence. A courtyard fountain burbles melancholically nearby. I am reflecting on my visit...
At first I didn't have quite the feeling I expected to have. I expected to see and enjoy an old and famous town, but Florence offers you much more than that. Yes, there is that instant cultural quality about it, but there is also this amazing nexus of history, art, craftsmanship, international chic and modernity that leaves you breathless.

Moment by moment in some magical way Florence allows you to live in the past, in the present, and in the future at the same time. I don't think we ever really own anything in this world, but we can enjoy the presence of this indescribable beauty for a time.



Thursday, October 17, 2013

Two to Rome in the footsteps of thousands

In the last warm flush of September my husband and I stand near The Trevi Fountain in Rome and watch how shifting crowds swallow the fountain and us.
Anywhere you go in Rome, the crowd whirls and changes and shifts around you. On the whole it is a typical crowd of tourists, gathering strange dust from the famous places - with cameras in their hands, and a hint of excitement and nervous energy in their eyes.

Yet at midnight Rome is surprisingly, almost impossibly, calm. As we wander through the streets, making shy conversation in front of this magnificent, daring and timeless beauty, we finally feel happy and connected.    

Рим той осенью почти не оставил для меня места. Улицы его теснились плечо в плечо тысячами уставших от жары и пыли туристов, что выталкивали меня как инородное тело на высоту нашего крошечного  балкончика в номере гостиницы недалеко от Колизея.  В удовольствие остались только ночи, когда эти тысячи тел и голов,  изнеможденные  от паломничества к развалинам, падали на свои дорого-оплаченные койко-места. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wedding in Italy: Beautiful and Unique

From the moment Dino says "I do" we wait breathlessly to the moment Uliana says "I do", and then we instantly know that the biggest day of their lives will be perfect and unforgettable.
As I stand on the old steps of the Cattedrale di Foggia (della Beata Maria Vergine Assunta in Cielo) after the wedding ceremony, I can't help but repeat Lord Byron's words: "I knew it was love, and I felt it was glory".

Желаю счастья!

P.S. Spending time in Foggia made me realize that there's more to real Italy beyond Rome, Florence and Riviera. It was a place that meant so much to Dino's family, and he was sharing it with us. Thank you.