Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sonoma Barrel Tasting: Young Spring Meets Young Wine

It was Sunday, March 8th. The wine country became green with vivid Spring. The wealth of golden sunlight poured a pleasant and comforting heat over Sonoma County, where weekend long it faced the excitement of the 37th Annual Barrel Tasting event. It was a glorious day. But thinking of it now, one month later, I had a momentary feeling that the whole thing was a phantom of my imagination.

There was something about this particular wine tasting experience that was strangely and inexpressibly different and more enjoyable. And though I would not be able to name the exact quality of difference there was such a quality. I like to think it was due to the fact that my husband and I visited only three winery (Sunce Winery & Vineyard, Porter Creek Winery and Wilson Winery) instead of fifteen as we have planed. It felt great to be lazy and drive slowly side roads through breathtaking hills of vineyards along the banks of Russian River in that late afternoon.  

There was something mystical about this scene. I couldn't help but think of Mephistopheles in Doctor Faustus in a play by Christopher Marlowe, in which a man sells his soul to the devil for youth, power and pleasure. How about to sell your soul for wine? :)  

Though I am not a fan of sweet wines, I did like The Sunce 2014 Zin Port a lot. It has a very broad, long and warm taste, delightful core aromas of prune and blackberry. 

Owned and operated by father and son, Porter Creek winery is my latest discovery. Porter Creek's Pinot Noir wines are unique and refreshing. The nose of wine has wonderful and silky-lasting aromas of wild berries and forest floor. In some strange way the Porter Creek Pinot Noir was radiating vague memories of my trip to Bordeaux three summers ago. 

Wilson winery is always my last stop during Barrel Tasting events. It's hard to resist the pleasure of tasting Wilson's young Forchini Old Vine Zinfandel, Dry Creek Valley, and winery's famous tri-tip sandwiches. 

Глоток молодого вина - как глоток надежды. Надежды на то, что вино случилось и у него есть будущее. Дегустация молодого вина из баррелей в начале марта стала одним из моих самых любимых событий всего "винного" года. Непренужденная обстановка,  легкость общения с виноделами, доступные цены и возможность попробовать, сравнить и уловить аромат многих разных вин одновременно привлекают большое количество молодежи, что делает этот праздник особенно красочным и веселым.

Я люблю наблюдать за группами девушек и отличать детали их нарядов. Чаще всего это длинные или очень короткие юбки, легкие и немного даже вызывающие  "смотри-сквозь-меня"  блузки и высоченные, просто высоченные, каблуки и платформы. Это тот самый редкий случай, когда калифорнийские девушки сбрасываю легкие плоские сандали и флип-флопы, чтобы стать выше, прераснее и желаннее.     

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